In regard to comments concerning Eric Lombardi made on social media and then sent by email to the SVBET Trustees afterwards, please see the social media postings from today, July 2, 2024, copied below. This concludes the SVBET comments on this subject.
News & Information
The SVBET office hours are on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. The SVBET is a working Trust. The volunteer Trustees attempt to review submissions, emails, and comments as soon as possible within these times. Depending on circumstances and content, replies may be delayed. The form of the response will be at the discretion of the SVBET. Please review the website for information sought.
9 May 2024 Sea turtle nesting season has begun and nests are already being marked. As a reminder, sea turtle nesting season officially runs May 1-October 31 each year. All sea turtles are endangered species. The South Venice Beach has many species that nest here, including the rare Kemps-Ridley. It is a federal offense to tamper with the sea turtles…
May 7, 2024 The SVBET announces a new location for its annual Administration Report. According to the Trust Agreement, Section 5.4 Accountings and Public Notice, “The Trustees shall prepare a Trust Endowment Fund administration and/or financial report at least once annually that shall be open for inspection by Community property owners and residents at reasonable business hours and times at…
It is NOT ok to give YOUR Ferry pass to anyone, including a renter or family member. What is ok is that annual renters can purchase a non-resident Ferry pass at the SVBET office or you can accompany your guests on the Ferry. It has come to our attention from the Captains and some individuals that people who are renting…