Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Beach Ferry open?
Currently, the Beach Ferry is closed due to hurricane recovery. The Beach Ferry season, October 1 to May 31, operating schedule is daily (including all holidays) from 9:30 AM to sunset, every 30 minutes. Normal schedule for summer (June 1 to September 30) is daily, including holidays, from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm, every thirty minutes, with the last Ferry going over to the beach at 5:30 pm. The Captain’s lunch time is from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM, with no Ferry service to or from the Beach at 1:00 PM. From time to time, due to weather or maintenance, the Beach Ferry is closed. See the top of the Home Page for a current status. We will attempt to keep this updated but can’t guarantee it’s accuracy. Also, when purchasing a Beach Ferry membership, you have the option of getting text messages notification of closure.)
Am I a resident of South Venice Beach?
To be a resident of South Venice beach, you must be a property owner or have an annual lease. South Venice Beach streets and a boundary map are located here to further assist you.
Who can buy memberships for the Beach Ferry, Boat Ramp, and/or Kayak Launch Area?
Residents of South Venice Beach Community, both property owners and annual lease holders, can buy memberships at the resident rate. SVBET will sell memberships to no more than 50 non-residents and they can be purchased at the non-resident rate. Membership fee information can be found here.
What are the membership rules and regulations?
Click here for Beach Ferry, Boat Ramp, and Kayak/Canoe/Paddle Board rules, regulations and agreements.
Can my membership be revoked and how will I know if I have lost membership privileges?
Yes, your membership can be revoked for violating Rules, Regulations, or Agreements. If your membership is revoked, you will receive written notification from the SVBET. Click here for Behavior, Beach Ferry, Boat Ramp, and Kayak/Canoe/Paddle Board rules, regulations and agreements.
who owns the south venice beach and ferry property?
The South Venice Beach Endowment Trust owns the South Venice Beach and the property located at 4800 Lemon Bay Drive. The actual boundaries can be viewed at the Sarasota County Property Appraisers website.
why are there so many changes including new fences and locked gates?
Unfortunately, the SVBET has had to make several changes to the property located at 4800 Lemon Bay Dr. Although South Venice is a low crime area, it is not immune from relatively recent changes to our society. The open field, boat ramp, Ferry, and peninsula do attract lots of attention, including negative attention. The SVBET has a responsibility to maintain the property, keep the property exclusive to property owners and residents, mitigate damages and keep the property secured. The recent security measures have greatly reduced the negative attention.
Why are there so many rules and regulations which are strictly enforced?
The rules and regulations are from hard learned lessons over the years that have allowed us to maintain the intent of the trust and allowed residents and property owners to enjoy the beach and intracoastal waterway. They are strictly enforced because these assets are valuable and sought after. If not protected, we could lose them.
I'm a resident of the south venice beach community. Can't I use the Ferry and Boat Ramp?
Absolutely! All you have to do and purchase a membership. The SVBET sells memberships to pay the salaries of the Captains and to maintain the infrastructure. Learn how to purchase a membership here.
How can i help?
Volunteer today! Go here to learn more.