U.S. Coast Guard Inspection on July 17, 2024 (Updated on 19 July 2024!)

U.S. Coast Guard Inspection on July 17, 2024 (Updated on 19 July 2024!)

19 July, 2024 – On 17 July, 2024, the SVBET had its annual U.S. Coast Guard inspection of the Beach Ferry and its operation. This is an extremely thorough in-the-water and out-of-the-water inspection. Operational and maintenance logs are reviewed. You may have noticed the Captains keeping a head count of the number of passengers and people on the beach. This is one of the Coast Guard requirements and an inspection item. The Ferry itself is inspected in great detail, as well as its maintenance logs. This year, the Coast Guard Inspector was new to the SVBET. He was extremely experienced and very professional. As noted a couple of days ago, his inspection of the Ferry uncovered some minor keel damage, requiring some fiberglass patching.

The inspection lasted most of the day and was much longer than last year’s. It included “man overboard” drills in the intracoastal for all 3 Captains, and various scenarios, including fire and abandon ship. All of the Captains passed with flying colors!

Originally, it was believed repairs would take about a week. Fortunately, the SVBET marine mechanic, Shane Sommer, arranged for repairs the next day. The SVBET is pleased to announce the U.S. Coast Guard approved the repair today and the SVBET can operate the Ferry. Shane will be installing keel guards so this repair will not be needed in the future. If all goes well, we expect to be operating normally tomorrow, Saturday, 20 July, 2024. Watch for updates! The SVBET will keep members updated. (Keel guards are on! Ferry will be open tomorrow, Saturday, 20 July, 2024.) Special thanks to the SVBET Chairman Joe Lewis. Joe has spent numerous hours preparing for and participating in the inspection, as well as overseeing the repair!

SVBET Trustees

17 July, 2024 – The inspection was completed on Wednesday, 17 July, 2024. Some fiberglass repair is needed on the keel due to normal wear and tear as a result of beach-side docking during low tide. Once the Coast Guard gives approval of the repairs, the SVBET will update all when the Ferry is back in operation. Barring any unforeseen issues, it is expected the process will take approximately 1 week. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

The Beach Ferry is inspected annually by the United States Coast Guard. This year, the inspection is July 17, 2024. There will be no Ferry Service to the beach on that date. This is mandatory and the SVBET must pass the inspection for Ferry service to continue. Preparation for the inspection is constant and it is anticipated that we will pass, but not guaranteed. We will update this post after the inspection to publish the results.

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