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Boat Ramp Lock Use Notification

19 July 2024 – Boat Ramp users, we are experiencing disrupted operations due to improper use of the Boat Ramp lock causing frustration, delays, and expense. The electronic lock and smartphone application has greatly improved convenience and security for members. Unfortunately, if the lock shackle is fully extended from the lock base, the lock will no longer function. This is…

Sea Turtle Nesting Season is Here!

Sea Turtle Nesting Season is Here!

9 May 2024 Sea turtle nesting season has begun and nests are already being marked. As a reminder, sea turtle nesting season officially runs May 1-October 31 each year. All sea turtles are endangered species. The South Venice Beach has many species that nest here, including the rare Kemps-Ridley. It is a federal offense to tamper with the sea turtles…

SVBET Administration Report

May 7, 2024 The SVBET announces a new location for its annual Administration Report. According to the Trust Agreement, Section 5.4 Accountings and Public Notice, “The Trustees shall prepare a Trust Endowment Fund administration and/or financial report at least once annually that shall be open for inspection by Community property owners and residents at reasonable business hours and times at…