Hours 9:00 am- 1:00 pm - Tu, Th & Sat
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U.S. Coast Guard Inspection on July 17, 2024

The Beach Ferry is inspected annually by the United States Coast Guard. This year, the inspection is July 17, 2024. There will be no Ferry Service to the beach on that date. This is mandatory and the SVBET must pass the inspection for Ferry service to continue. Preparation for the inspection is constant and it is anticipated that we will…

Sea Turtle Nesting Season is Here!

Sea Turtle Nesting Season is Here!

9 May 2024 Sea turtle nesting season has begun and nests are already being marked. As a reminder, sea turtle nesting season officially runs May 1-October 31 each year. All sea turtles are endangered species. The South Venice Beach has many species that nest here, including the rare Kemps-Ridley. It is a federal offense to tamper with the sea turtles…

SVBET Administration Report

May 7, 2024 The SVBET announces a new location for its annual Administration Report. According to the Trust Agreement, Section 5.4 Accountings and Public Notice, “The Trustees shall prepare a Trust Endowment Fund administration and/or financial report at least once annually that shall be open for inspection by Community property owners and residents at reasonable business hours and times at…

Commemorative Bricks for Sale!

Commemorative Bricks for Sale!

Wednesday – 11 April 2024 The SVBET is now fund raising by selling engraved commemorative brick pavers to be installed at the Beach Ferry Dock House. For a $50 donation, you will receive a brick for engraving and installation. Order in memory of a beloved relative as a lasting tribute or have it engraved with your own family names to…