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SVBET Administration Report

May 7, 2024 The SVBET announces a new location for its annual Administration Report. According to the Trust Agreement, Section 5.4 Accountings and Public Notice, “The Trustees shall prepare a Trust Endowment Fund administration and/or financial report at least once annually that shall be open for inspection by Community property owners and residents at reasonable business hours and times at a convenient location within the Community, and that shall be published in a newspaper or community publication then serving the approximate readership of all or most Community residents and property owners.”

Since it’s inception, the SVBET has published reports in the South Venice Civic Association Wave. With the introduction of the new website recently, the SVBET can publish its annual Administration Report on its website. This report is located under the Docs tab on the website. The 2023 Administration Report is now posted there. The report contains IRS links for the SVBET tax returns back to 2015.

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